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Sunday, November 21, 2010

DAY 3: manifestation in yoga

Day 3:
Ahh, 2 hour class of beautiful stretching to start the morning off. What could be better? I forgot my yoga mat this morning, which at Prana Yoga College, is almost like committing manslaughter. However, my wonderful boyfriend Doug brought it to me just as I was trying to scope out if I could steal a yoga mat from someone (ie. see if anybody brought two). Thank you Douglas! I shudder to think what my punishment might be if I tried to snatch someone else’s yoga mat; probably death by too much tofu and rice.
I’m excited to say that Shakti talked about MANIFESTATION today!! I was so pumped to hear her say that word and everything after my head followed in enthusiastic nods while taking extremely detailed notes with multiple stars and arrows. 
Some of you may be wondering what this concept is. What does it mean to manifest something? To manifest means to alter your reality by having intense thoughts or concentration levels which, supposedly, effect events, objects, and people to align with those thoughts. This is an example of manifesting negativity: you think negative about your life, you are depressed with your relationships, believe yourself to be a victim of other people’s bad actions, or think that you are worth nothing. These thoughts, whether they are true or not, are actually manifesting negative events, people, and objects to come into your life. Because you are obsessing over negativity, other negativity outside in the world is automatically attracted to you. Even if your life isn’t really negative, but you think it is, it will attract negative things to you. Intent and information can change your reality because your brain doesn’t know the difference. If you say to yourself, my life is positive, I have great relationships, and an amazing job with lots of opportunities then the neurons in your brain, whether or not you have those things, will start to form alternate pathways so that, in time, you will actually believe it and will attract positive things to yourself. The neurons in the brain doesn’t know what is good or bad, they are just cells. If you think positively and form those pathways in your brain, even if its just faking it, the cells will stayed charged with that positive energy. 
Okay so we talked about manifesting emotions, but this doesn’t explain manifesting things or the attraction of objects. The whole idea with manifesting things or events to take place is the act of writing and repeating your intent in the present. For example, this past summer I became a believer in manifestation just because of how much it happened to me. For the first month and a half, I wanted a hammock so much. I told everyone about my want of a hammock and I thought about myself in my hammock swinging in between the trees almost every day and night. I put all my intent out there that I wanted a hammock and that was that! Lo and behold, a friend who had gone back to the Big Island, never to be heard from again, turned up unexpectedly back on Kauai with a hammock just for me. Networking, as it appears in this manifestation, played an apparent role. If you want something enough, and tell other people about this want while thinking about it daily and writing it as often as possible, it will come to you. Manifestation is a power that should be used with responsibility especially since greediness has negative attributes attached to it. 
When thinking about manifestation, there should be no ‘no’s, not’s, never’s, un’s, or dis’s’ (any negative words or pre/suffixes that denote negativity). This is important because, the energy that drives this manifestation does not understand that negative language concept -- it is man-made. Therefore a manifestation should read like this:
“I want a hammock” or “I want a blue-stripped hammock that is made of cloth” and not,
“I want a hammock but not one that is blue”. Your intent has to be specific on what you want, not what you don’t want. 
Manifestation can take a long time; my experiences have lasted about 2 to 3 months. One of the most important things about manifestation, I’ll repeat it again, is RESPONSIBILITY! My boyfriend and his roommate, Ryan, play a lot of Halo. I have gotten so angry at Doug for playing so much of this stupid video game that I have repeatedly told him that I wished his video game would break. Well, just a few days ago, they took the disc out of the Xbox, a day or a couple hours after previously playing it, and saw that it had an inch and a half long crack that ran straight through it. They have no idea how it happened since the disc had been fine when they played it last and had not been taken out of the Xbox since then. I believe that I actually manifested the breakage of their game disc -- this is what’s called irresponsible or negative manifesting: when you manifest something that hurts someone else. Be careful what you wish for. This kind of manipulation in manifestation is called black magic because of the negative effects it causes for the manifestor and manifestee. 
More simply stated, do not go out of your house grumpy because you are affecting the world with your emotions! We’ve all seen the domino effect of grumpiness and anger that continues from person to person just in everyday life from the taxi cab driver, to the working mom, to the cashier, and finally to a husband who just can’t take it anymore. This is irresponsible manifestation because you are manifesting that negative energy which is then negatively affecting other people. 
Moral of the story, if you want something, don’t keep it inside - tell the world! Think positively and it may come to you sooner than you think. Try it out! What negative thing can come from it if you are thinking positively? 

1 comment:

  1. Just this morning, I was recharging the batteries on the boat, forcing electrons through the positive plates. The problem was that one of the cells was/is broken. So when I pushed energy through the plates, that cell caused a jam, it overheated and at 220 deg, melted the battery.

    My point is, I wonder if in our lives, if we have a loose connection or short cell internally, if that might not cause an overheating of us as we try to flow energy through our being.
