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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 11: Chakras and Healing

Day 11:
There are 7 main chakras, or energetic wheels, which are located along the spine. A chakra is a cone-shaped wheel within the body, stemming from the spine and extending through the body to the front. They express energy throughout the body with their energetic spinning motion. Our body’s state can change the spin of the chakra in direction or how fast it goes. The level of energy that you have determines your health of your chakras and how much healing power you have within yourself. 
The Main 7 Chakras in Your Body: 
The theory of chakras in the body revolves around two major bodily systems: the central  nervous system (spinal cord and brain) and the endocrine system (the glands which are located down the centre of your body). I won't go into explaining each chakra. You should research them on your own, if you are interested, on the web. 
Stagnant energy, or a slow-spinning/blocked chakra, creates bad conditions in your body. Blockages can create diseases, ailments, and illnesses. For example, constipation is a result of stagnant energy in the Svadhisthana Chakra, the chakra located just below your navel and responsible for passions, bowel movements, and your sexual organs. A blockage in this chakra could be from withholding on pursuing passions, sexual needs or lackthereof, or not attaining the goal/desire you set out to do. 
Stress, aging, and pollution can all disturb your energy as most of these things distract you from enlightening your energetic self. 
Everything we do for our physical bodies affects the prana (energy) and chakras in the body. If you have communication problems, such as placing your hand in front of your mouth when speaking or talking very LOUD or softly, you probably have a blockage in your throat chakra, Vishuddha. If you have lung problems, such as asthma, lots of mucus in the lungs, or wheezing, you probably have a blocked heart chakra, Anahata. You see how different blockages in your chakras cause physical ailments? 
How do we relieve these problems? The objective is to realize that these problems come from the blockages in your chakras. Once you realize where its coming from, then you have to work on changing the energy flow through positive thinking, recognizing bad habits, and engaging holistic techniques to alleviate your physical and energetic self. I know its easy for me to say that now in a few sentences when people are suffering everyday. I don’t know anything, I’m just offering an alternative technique to prescription pills, surgeries, and weeks in a hospital bed. 
The goal in realizing all your chakras is to balance them in harmony! 
Our species is suffering from energy stagnations in the body. There is trouble procreating in modern countries which indicates that there must be something wrong with the ‘advancement’ of our era. There are also many toxins in the Western world which creates many diseases later on in life. Built up deposits of toxins create (among others) inflexibility, bone degeneration, diabetes, dementia, and Parkinson’s disease. In North America, people expect diseases and the ailments of old age to come to them, and so it does! In effect, we try to overpower nature’s will and prescribe pills, supplements, and chemicals to relieve the suffering. However, there is no understanding o the energetic cause; our society is solely obsessed with the physical cause. I am not educated on the energetic causes of those listed above; but if you have an ailment or physical disease, check out what the energetic cause may be ONLINE! Be a researcher and find out for yourself. A few minutes on the web could find you your own cure for the disease. 
--*--Follow Your Own Bliss--*--
be you own happiness
do what YOU want to do -- not what a doctor says you should do....
--*-- Be Responsible for YOUR own Decisions --*--  
Confused about Chakras? Or don’t know which Chakras are blocked? Why not take a fun Chakra Test!!

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